Post-training nutrition requirements heavily rely on the time until the next training session, as well as body compositional goals. Although an individualised plan is important for post-training nutrition, we can offer some general guidelines to follow at least initially:
Carbohydrates: Depending on the time until the next training session, carbohydrates may be an important area to focus on post-training. General guidelines are to have an equivalent amount of carbohydrate used in your pre-training snack. Generally, this is expected to be around 0.5-1g/kg of body weight, however, if a player has goals of fat loss or if there is no upcoming training for the next 24 hours, this is less important. Generally, the closer the next training session is in the day, the more important it is to consume carbohydrates.
Protein: Although there is a small amount of gain in muscle synthesis by having protein post-training, this anabolic window is significantly longer than most people think in the case of protein. Therefore, the more important requirement is total protein intake as well as even protein distribution throughout the day. Since post-training is a well suited time to have additional protein, general recommendations are roughly 0.4g/kg of body weight for the largest increase in protein muscle synthesis.
Fat: Fat intake specifically post-training is not important. General recommendations however, are to increase omega-3 intake predominantly from marine sources and reduce saturated fat.