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Training with players of similar ability will not always benefit an individual as much as facing those less skilled. This is because the average Footballer hate losing and will always resort to their best moves in order to avoid it.

In the process, the chance of developing new techniques or broadening one’s skillset becomes limited. In spending time each week training down, a player can be exposed to a variety of techniques, explore new ideas and allow innovation to take place, all of which are necessary for growth and progression.

For example, a player who struggles in 1v1 situations against opponents in matches would benefit from training down. Against a less skilled opponent, they can get to grips with the key ideas and technique needed to then build into attacking through 1v1’s more often in their team training and matches.

There are plenty of benefits for the player training up also, who will be forced out of their comfort zone to think about new ways to deal with what they are exposed to.

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