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The mind of a Footballer demands perfection. Although that mindset is what leads us to dedication and hard work, it can also produce unhealthy ways of viewing ourselves which can often be detrimental to performing. 

Eating disorders are a mental health concern and psychological in nature. They are ripe in Football, with studies suggesting nearly 20% of elite level athletes have an eating disorder. This can lead to unwanted stress, depression, and of course decreases in performance on the pitch – not solely just in the physical domain.

Although there are a variety of disorders, one of the more common we see results from the desire to be extremely lean, which is often pushed by coaches at respective clubs too. Chasing lower body fat percentages or the appearance of being lean can often be more detrimental to performance and health than the supposed benefits.

Extreme leanness has a negative effect. Being too low in body fat can lead to decreases in energy, mood, recovery and bodily function which can lead to worse performances on the pitch and higher likelihood of injuries. In addition to this, restriction of food, particularly carbohydrates, can have a severe impact to the ability to perform at one’s best. That is without speaking more about the knock-on effects psychologically of such a perception.

If you struggle with perceptions of your weight, or any other eating disorder, it is wise to speak to a qualified sports dietitian to correct the path.

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