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the capacity to
cover every blade.

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in detail

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Conditioning is an essential aspect of football, often making the difference between victory and defeat in the final minutes of the game. A well-conditioned player can keep their pace, power, and precision long after others have faded. Our conditioning services are designed to ensure that you remain at peak performance, from the first whistle to the last. Not only this, but in improving your capacity, we extend your ability to sustain performance during training and matches, increasing the workload you can put yourself through. This leads to growth on the pitch which is hard to believe.

There are so many factors to be considered when training to improve endurance: ATP, pH, muscles, substrates, blood-glucose, circulation, and respiration; only some of the determinants of how well-conditioned a player will appear. A player trying to learn and understand each of these at the level of a scientist is difficult, and the far quicker and easier method to improve here is enlisting a conditioning expert.

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sharpen your blade

Obtain your  fully tailored training plan based on analysis and testing results. Absorb from the continuous support ensuring maximum results throughout your programming journey.

We identify and prioritise training the energy systems predominantly used in your position to optimise performance.

We conduct a specific-needs analysis and fitness testing to determine training priorities.

We support you in understanding the key factors influencing endurance in football, such as ATP, pH, Blood-glucose, Respiration and much more. 

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Bespoke conditioning drills with position-specific and individualised work ratios. 


Periodisation to ensure progression and avoid overtraining.

Monitoring of performance metrics to track progress

and adjust the programme.

Choose from in-person training or extended programming.​



Monthly review and redesign of programming around club schedule and personal load.



24/7 support with training, including new cues, targets and feedback.

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the full package

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The ultimate level of service to help you take your game to the next level. Our larger programs offer a comprehensive range of individualised services. Work on multiple aspects of your performance and improve effectively both in and out of season. These programs offer all of our services and all of our experts. Anything needed at any time for improving performance on the pitch and ensuring long-term development as a player.

Performance PROGRAMME

- Nutrition Programming
- Strength, Power & Speed Programming
- Conditioning Programming
- Technical Programming

Performance PROGRAMME

- Nutrition Programming
- Strength, Power & Speed Programming
- Conditioning Programming
- Technical Programming
- Pre-Match Opposition Analysis
- Post-Match Performance Analysis
- Mental Skill Sessions
- Mental Will Sessions
- Player Efficiency Reports
- Mentorship
- Recovery, Mobility & Injury Prevention

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daily fuel

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